Friday, November 22, 2013

How to make comments and add pictures.....without pain!

So you want to add a comment and upload a picture? 
SIMPLE:  See the string of buttons below the last comment (pi
ctured here) ...those are buttons for Gmail, the Blog post, Twitter and Facebook and a G+1 button for Google Chrome (another story).
Click on the Blog button and a new posting window will appear.  It may be small so grab a corner and drag it open further.  It has a title line -  erase the content and put in what you want.  It has a block for your comment so write as much as you think your classmates can bear....  There is also an image icon about 2/3 across the button menu and you can add one or several pictures.
I will post this periodically as the "stories" drop this post further and further down the page.
Visit the BLOG frequently as I hope many will visit this as we move to the Anniversary Graduation in June.
Tell our classmates about this and our Facebook page as well

See you all in June!
Brian Moyer (Blogmaster; )

SMCHS '64 Grads: One of those memories of our Senior Year

November 22nd 1963....a place in our class history that cannot be forgotten and must be remembered.  I was in English class with Brother the second seat from the front of the room and in the second row from the Hallway door.  Bother Timothy was abruptly called to the door by someone I could not see...he left the room for a moment and re-entered the room with an ashen look.  He only took a few steps in and announced "Gentlemen, the President has been shot".  We did not know if he had been killed at that time but the next few minutes in my head were thoughts swimming of what IS this moment, what comes next, and why...why...why....
We were dismissed that day and I walked home was sunny and rather warm for Nov 22nd and I just remember heavy thoughts and confusion.  Then came Sunday and the TV broke with the killing of Oswald and our lives were never the same.  A moment of history, change, heavy emotion and dreams dashed...right at our entry to the world as the St Mary's College High School's Senior Class. 
Below is JFK at a young age were we at one time...and then as President .....and then "Walter" announcing that fateful moment with tears.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

SMCHS '64 Grads: Brian Moyer's Family

Here is my family, Carol (married now 33 yrs), Alycia (lft, 26 yrs) and Lauren (30 yrs) and me.  The picture was taken at my niece's wedding (my brother Mark's first daughter).  Both of my girls are not yet married but maybe soon???
Anyway...I will have many stories of this journey and I hope every one of you will do the same here.  Use the little white box called "Blog"  (see them as:  M, Blog, Twitter, Facebook)  and upload pictures using the picture icon (next to "Link").
We all want to hear your stories.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Here is the Viet Nam Memorial Wall in Washington DC with the name of "Francisco L Sampson Jr" chiseled into the stone wall - An emotional view of a loss that is memorialized for all of time......
AND..... One of our favorite views from Peralta Park and the Berkeley Hills....The Golden Gate Bridge .....just a right angle view this time....I miss it and I am very jealous of all you Bay Area  and also an October evening view that I took in October from the Claremont Hotel.....another Gorgeous Landmark!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Here are three pictures that may interest you.....
Tim Turner and Brian Moyer at the Viet Nam Memorial Wall holding a rubbing of Frank Sampson's inscription.  We have all thought a lot about Frank and who he was.

Next is our 40th Reunion at the High School campus

Finally Tim Turner, John Lineweaver and Brian Moyer pile into Lineweaver's Mustang to head to the 40th Reunion.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Stories of a Very Special Graduating Class from St Mary's College High School ~ 1964

I want to welcome all of my SMCHS Classmates of 1964 to join in sharing with your classmates.  It isn't hard and you can make this a frequent visit ~  bookmark this BLOG ~ we want to hear from you and find out who you have been, have become and where you want to go as we have a 50 year "book" we need to write and I personally want to hear your stories.  

START WRITING.....TODAY!   Post pictures, share what is your passion, even your politics (carefully!) but most of all "Share Yourself" with good friends who want to catch up with you.  

Brian     (Brian Moyer, Blogmaster,  CONTACT:
St Mary's College High School Link: 
June Dates to Remember: 
8 & 9 Class of 1964 Golden Graduation & Reunion
14  Gold Club Lunch
21  Reunion Date