Friday, November 22, 2013

SMCHS '64 Grads: One of those memories of our Senior Year

November 22nd 1963....a place in our class history that cannot be forgotten and must be remembered.  I was in English class with Brother the second seat from the front of the room and in the second row from the Hallway door.  Bother Timothy was abruptly called to the door by someone I could not see...he left the room for a moment and re-entered the room with an ashen look.  He only took a few steps in and announced "Gentlemen, the President has been shot".  We did not know if he had been killed at that time but the next few minutes in my head were thoughts swimming of what IS this moment, what comes next, and why...why...why....
We were dismissed that day and I walked home was sunny and rather warm for Nov 22nd and I just remember heavy thoughts and confusion.  Then came Sunday and the TV broke with the killing of Oswald and our lives were never the same.  A moment of history, change, heavy emotion and dreams dashed...right at our entry to the world as the St Mary's College High School's Senior Class. 
Below is JFK at a young age were we at one time...and then as President .....and then "Walter" announcing that fateful moment with tears.

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