Saturday, December 14, 2013

SMCHS '64 Grads: Memories of the 1963 Football Season - Gene Pisenti's last year as our coach.

SMCHS '64 Grads: Today I found a bunch pf pictures of our 1963 football team and while that was Pisenti"s last year as our football coach and our losing season, we had a great team with talent that just had too many  injuries (Kris Dern in the first game against San Rafael with a shoulder injury) and they just kept happening.  The talen on the other side was also too much with El Ceritto's Larry Plantz and then there was Riordan and Bellarmine...perennial Bellermine!!!  We gave it all a shot ....especially Frank Sampson ...we remember Frank as that energy that kept the team trying and was clearly one of our inspirations....Thank you Frank!!

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