Friday, April 25, 2014

John E Evans....A proud Oregonian....tells us his 50 year story and life in Klamath Falls!

I admire your efforts to generate enthusiasm in the Class of ’64 to mark our 50th anniversary of graduating from St. Mary's High School. It is looking more and more like I will be unable to attend our reunion. Thus, here is my effort to briefly update my class on my 50 year journey.

After St. Mary's, I attended San Francisco State University. Steve Westervelt and I car pooled to SF State for most of the next four years and became close friends in the process. We are still friends today. In 1967, my high school sweetheart, Cathie, and I married. I finished my undergrad work at SF State in 1968 and was set to head into a Masters program when I got a call from Mr. Tom Brady, who was then Vice Principal at St. Marys. There was a teaching and coaching opening at SMCHS and he offered me a chance to interview. I must have done ok as I got the job and began my teaching and coaching career at St. Mary's in September 1968.

Going back to St. Mary's as a teacher was a bit strange. However, I was welcomed by the faculty, many of whom had been my high school teachers. I was mentored by Tom Brady and Hugh Louderback. Mr. Bob Barrett was especially helpful and became a good friend on the faculty. St. Mary's was a great place to teach and coach during my time there (1968-1977). I had a chance to teach and coach my brother, Steve ’71 and was part of a dynamic coaching staff that produced several CAL/WCAL league championship teams. I am still in email contact with members of the ’72 football team and treasure that greatly. What a great experience.

Two of my children were born during those years. Stephanie was born in 1971 while we lived in Albany. Jennifer came along in 1973 when we lived in Pleasant Hill and I commuted to SM. In 1977, we decided to move on and I sought adventure by accepting a teaching position in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Big culture shock! K Falls is a small, rural town in the high desert country of southern Oregon. In 1977 it was primarily a logging town dominated by Weyerhauser Corp. Physically, Klamath Union High School was a carbon copy of our old St. Mary's (condemned during my last years as a teacher there). Between 1977 and 2003 I was a social studies teacher, football coach, baseball coach (two state championships – ’79 and ’83), assistant Athletic Director, and I ran two district wrestling meets and one district track meet for the Southern Oregon Conference. I made friends for life both on the faculty and in former students who are still part of my life. Our son, Bryan, was born in Klamath Falls in 1977 and all three of our children graduated from KUHS.

One of the truly great things about our life in Klamath Falls was the opportunity to hunt and fish. Those activities were ingrained in the lifestyle there and it was a great place to do both. I don’t hunt anymore but I still fish when the golf course isn’t calling. Thanks to my outdoors friends I have fished in Alaska, the Yukon, and all over the Northwest.
In 2003, I decided to retire after 35 years of teaching. Our family was scattered (England, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas) and we wanted to return to a more metropolitan lifestyle (and an accessible airport). We searched and were drawn to Wilsonville, Oregon and moved there in 2005. I play golf, fish, and follow the grandsons, who moved to Wilsonville in 2007, in their athletic endeavors. I am near my brothers and we fly to London to see daughter Jennifer and her family often.

The highlights of my career in teaching span both St. Mary's and Klamath Union. They aren’t limited to the several championships but those certainly come to mind. I loved having all three of my children in class. I am very proud of their successes and their families. I am the proud grandfather of Tyler Branson (Wilsonville HS Class of ’14….yikes!), Chris Branson (currently a freshman at WHS), Daniel Ward (6) and Ellie Ward (2) (my British grandchildren), and Abigail Evans (2) (daughter of my son, Bryan).

I have enjoyed the similar efforts so far on our class site. Brings some reality to the 50 years we have been away from St. Mary's. If I don’t make it to the reunion: Bless you all.

John E. Evans (I’m still looking for one of these from John W. Evans ’64)

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