Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It is the last sunset of April tonight...Get ready for May Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to Mike Benner, Pete Boero and to the late Ric Sunseri!!

As you can see from the picture,  I have "sandwiched" him between these two giant linemen as Mike and Pete to me symbolize in this picture an energy of our class that transcended all of us.

To be fair, I did cut John Evans out of this picture to make a point and emphasize the Birthday Boys.... but the threesome picture was posted before and is one of my favorites.

Again, I am posting all of the pictures I am getting form our classmates to the web site:

Also, on my business website I have placed a page for the class to download the forms for the Reunion, the golf outing and schedules.  They are at:

Happy Birthday Mike and Pete....and you too Ric....Hope you are looking at this with a smile.


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