Saturday, May 31, 2014

OK...IT IS JUNE! The Reunion is only a week away - Birthdays we can celebrate at the Reunion!

OK there are seven (at least the ones that I know!) birthdays to celebrate this Reunion month.... Here are the victims:
Don Attix, Brian Connelly, Steve Westervelt, Tom Enos, John E Evans, Joe Kelly, and Mike Trombly!!!!

John Evans, Brian Connelly,  Steve Westervelt have their Birthdays this week and Joe Kelly next week just after our Reunion.  John Evans will not be able to meet us at the Reunion so everyone needs to e-mail him a greeting and send some slander (a HS memory of him) that you can bestow on him for a B-Day present!

John....My practice and I am a defense corner linebacker that are the offensive right tackle....Wanlin takes the ball...hands it to flatten me faster that I can even believe and move on to the next guy..... and Archer gives me a cleat footprint on my back as he coasts over me....ahhh! ....those were the good ol' days!!!

See you at the Reunion!!

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