Thursday, May 29, 2014

We have a celebrity among us - Albert "Bert" "Buzz" Bertolero - The DirtGardener !!

Hey Grads....
Here is a note from Buzz Bertolero.....  The DIRTGARDNER!   Many I am sure have made the pilgrimage to Navlets Garden Centers for the ritual Speing cleanup and gardening is the guy that likely had a major influence on the plants, the pruning, the "way of the garden" and you didn't even know it......  I guess a SMCHS education has made several of us well "grounded"....I see Greg Schifsky up in Oregon has a similar "life path" in his horticultural efforts!  Here is Buzz's short treatise....

 My Fifty Year Journey, includes my wife Janet (a Holy Names HS grad -  lived 2 blocks from SMCHS!) of 46 years, two grown daughters (Jennifer and Christine; who live very close by;) and a eleven year old granddaughter, Katie.  After SMHS, I received degrees in Horticulture and Business from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, and Golden Gate Universities.  I continue to be relevant with Navlet's Garden Centers although it is no longer a family owned business. I've been active in the Lawn and Garden Industry and have served as State and National President and treasurer of each organization. I write a weekly gardening column. been on local TV and radio as the Dirt Gardener and continue to write a weekly gardening column at I've had the good fortune to travel to New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, southern Spain, the Canary Island and Switzerland,  and my favorite U.S. city is Las Vegas.  
 Thanks for all your effort in making this reunion  special.   .....Buzz, AKA...Albert Bertolero

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