Thursday, June 5, 2014

Michael Oborne has checked into the BLOG - This is a man with a most successful career and life

I finally heard form Michael Oborne today after I pestered Brian McGuire who is a close friend of Michael's since their days at St Augustine's.  These two have always been competitive academically with each other and while I must concede I had Brian in the lead - I think Michael has broken out and taken the lead (somewhat like what California Chrome will be doing on Saturday when he becomes the next bid for the Triple Crown).  As Brian told me today, he is conceding the race to Michael and as you read this you may understand why!  Michael has now received his PhD but in addition two Homorary Doctorates. The latest one is pictured below from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.  Congratulations Michael!   Here is his story.......

 Brian  (Moyer),
Good to hear from you. I am sending along a photo taken at the Berkeley (honorary doctorate GTU). I will be there for the mass and the dinner afterwards. 

A quick thumbnail sketch of my professional life after St Mary's:

I went to Berkeley for my BA, MA, PhD.  After that I took two years at Cambridge University and the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, taught at Smith and the University of Paris for five years, then joined the OECD in Paris ( a large international Organisation with an economic focus) . 

I worked for thirty one years in the OECD where I served for the last twenty years  as Director of Science and Technology and the Director General of Strategic Foresight. 

Based in Paris for the last forty years, I was also successively responsible for Latin America, then Asia and China (where I spent many months over five years in the 1980's). I subsequently took another degree in economics, published a number of books on The Chinese economy, international development in the Pacific and Paris history. 

I retired in 2011 and continue to teach in Paris  ( Institute des Sciences Politiques And the Sorbonne, as well as Oxford University where I was Director of the Las Casas Institute (2011-2014)and Fellow of Blackfriars Hall college in the university . I live in Paris and commute to Oxford, and once a year to Pavia University in Italy where I teach a graduate course on risk management economics. My significant other , Bernadette, is Vice President of the university of Paris VII.

Here is a photo of the Berkeley honorary doctorate:

Mike Oborne

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