Tuesday, June 3, 2014

So Kris Dern is in Napa Valley and sipping wine as we write ....he finally put his glass down!

Hi Grads..... I heard from Kris Dern today...he had to send the document via his middle daughter, Vanessa, but it worked!  But it was a PDF and it was scanned ...so I can only make it an image or retype it....I am a practical guy so HERE is the Picture.... He is supposed to send family pics later....but later may be AFTER the Reunion????   My memory?   Kris was on the football team as an end and we went to San Rafael HS for our first game of the season in Sept '63.... we lost 7-6 but that is not the story....We had a long play for a Wanlin to Dern pass on the left side of the field and we executed it flawlessly and Kris marched up another 20 yards until ....WHAM!...He was upturned and landed on his collarbone...CRACK!....it was not pretty....we missed his service the rest of the season....
Come On Kris...Pictures!!!!  Maybe BRING pics??
Here you go...his story!

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