Sunday, March 30, 2014

An update on another Classmate no longer with us - Bill Macaskill

I received a note from another of our esteemed classmates ....John Robertson ...out there in Evanston, IL..... He had an unfortunate addition to our BLOG  regarding a sad note that Bill Macaskill is also on our IN MEMORIUM listing (now at 23).  John posted some circumstances on this but I will fill the class in on this later.   Just note that this is an update on the previous IN MEMORIUM to keep in your records.  John also posted some details of his own whereabouts and history and I will post more of his ventures and family in a future post.

If you wish a PDF of this set of images let me know and I can e-mail it to you.  Unfortunately, this BLOG system does not upload PDFs and only allows true image formats!!...always behind what we want!

My prayers go out to all on the list and I remember Bill very well.  Many of you might remember he was a reporter for our Peraltan Magazine and in his junior year he went to Richmond High to report on a basketball game at that campus.  Bill and others were confronted but some disgruntled students after SM walked away with another WIN and Bill was attacked and cut with a can opener on his face.  He was a fun and life-is-full kind of guy when I knew him at SM.  I lost touch with him after graduation but if you have stories about Bill - we all want to know them.  Please also remember our others listed and tell us their stories too.

In memory of Bill Macaskill,


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