Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jim Burns is one lucky guy with retirement now achieved and what a family!

James E Burns has been one lucky guy with marriage to his sweetheart, Sue, now some 40+ years later and a family of three - two girls (Jennifer and Joanie.....his sister is also named Joan...and do you remember his older brother Peter?) and  son (Jimmy) and now a plethora of grandchildren.  A picture - a Christmas Card - is a testament to this fine fellow.

Maybe some remember the tale of a Christmas Eve dinner at Jim's home where his mom and dad ...great Irish people they were .... hosted a few of us SMCHS guys to a memorable night.

In short....Jim;s dog forgotten by me... tagged a skunk in the back yard behind a utility shed that was overgrown with vines that trapped the dog and the skunk.  The dog AND the skunk were both passed out back there from the smell and some of us more foolish sorts climbed back of the shed to pull the living beasts out into fresh air.... WHEWW ...and PEEEUHHHH!  It stank up everything.... the skunk woke and tore out of the area and Jim's dog looked like a hungover lad who could not find his way.  Long story short...tomato sauce bath  upstairs and needless to say the house was transformed for many a day.  When I got home that night I had to disrobe in the backyard and took a long soapy shower that was minimally effective....  A night at the Burn's can be anything but typical !!!!

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