Monday, March 10, 2014

The John Lineweaver Story - How to be blessed with 27 Grandchildren and 14 Greatgrandchildren

A Post by John Lineweaver on his “Family Outing” this past summer to Utah:

I took my family on our 4th Family "Cruise" this past Summer, but this time we didn't exactly sail anywhere----rather, I reserved 13 RV's and flew 54 of my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and assorted spouses and cousins into Salt Lake City, Utah, where we began our adventure. I had driven my RV and U Haul Trailer from California to Salt Lake with camping gear and supplies for everyone, and we met and stocked up at Salt Lake City. We then drove as a caravan to Yellowstone National Park, and then onto Mt. Rushmore National Park, covering some 2500 miles in 12 days. If you want all the blow-by-blow details, I will try to get Brian to help me figure out how to post my LIMA CRUISE blog.  (John….I will get your blog up on this site…I promise!!)

Notes from Brian:  John and I have been friends a very long time – since 4th grade – and he and his wife Rose were married three weeks before Carol and I were married in 1981.  John married into a 10 children family and brought an adopted son along with him into this marriage.  They had a son of their own, Danny, who at the age of two climbed out of his crib but hanged on a corner post leaving him severely brain damaged.  He passed away at the age of 12.  In the depth of their tragedy they formed a Foundation to educate on children and cribs and to rid the country through legislation of all cribs with cornerposts that can catch clothing. They were highly successful and this brought joy and immense satisfaction that they had prevented additional injuries and deaths.  In all their joy as a large and wonderfully blessed family, Rose passed away suddenly in September 2012.  One of the most difficult times in my life was trying to understand how this could happen and how to support John being 3000 miles away.  John is one of the most giving men I have known in my life and he is a magnificent family man.  Witness in these pictures how any of you would cope with 27 Grandchildren and 14 Great-grandchildren!!!! 

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