Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to POST to this BLOG - and include pictures!!

To All:   Many are wondering how to post to this blog and I hope this will help:

As "owner" of this BLOG I have an icon at the top that allows me to enter new stuff at will.  Non-Owners ("You") have to enter via a REPLY to a comment.  Just know that the reply does go to the already present comment but it is also registered as a new entity to the BLOG. the bottom of any entry is a series of little icons...(see below).... they are "M" for "G-Mail", "B" for "comment to the above note", "T" for "Twitter", "F" is for "Facebook", and "P" for "Pinterest".....some of these icons/programs you might know but the main one to use is "B".   Click on the "B" and a new comment field comes up .....there is a "title bar" with the title of the previous comment and some content from the previous comment is there too...erase /delete these characters and change them to your new title and then go to the bigger entry field and enter "your story", "your comment", etc....whatever you wish to say to all of us.  You can post a picture (or several pictures) using the icon in the comment menu bar that has a small picture icon.  Click on that picture icon (the one after "Link") and a selection field comes up.  The photo selection tool comes up to "Choose" the picture(s) from your computer.  Choose your files off your computer and click on the "Add Selected" button ...then "Publish" your posting..... is easy!!!

Yes...use the "B" button on the page (shown below as the second icon after the "M") and you are good to go.
Problems....e-mail me at and I can help or you can send me your text and images too and I can upload them for you.
My best to all,

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